Tag Archives: Endometrial Ablation

Endometrial Ablation as a Solution for Heavy Periods

The doctors at Edgerton Hospital and Health Services are equipped to perform a wide range of surgical procedures designed to improve patients’ health and quality of life. In addition to inpatient surgeries, Edgerton Hospital performs outpatient procedures, including NovaSure endometrial ablation.

NovaSure endometrial ablation provides a potential solution for women who experience particularly heavy periods that interfere with living a regular life. It has been shown to be effective at lightening or even stopping periods, and can be performed in as little as five minutes. It also does not involve the use of hormones or incisions, making it a good choice for many women, particularly those who have tried other methods of treating heavy periods without success.

The outpatient procedure involves the use of a mesh device, which is inserted into the uterus. The device, which is shaped like a triangle, then expands in the uterus. Once the device has fitted to the uterus’ shape, the doctor performing the procedure administers radio energy at a particular frequency for about a minute and a half. When the procedure is over, the mesh device is removed completely. Women who are interested in the procedure should consult with a doctor to determine whether this solution is right for them.